Give back to veterans this holiday season image

Give back to veterans this holiday season

Start a fundraiser to benefit CreatiVets' veteran programming

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$4,635 towards $20,000

23 77 U


Towards Our Goal






Recurring Donors

CreatiVets Fundraiser Holiday Campaign

Have you been looking for something that you could do to change someone's life during the holiday season? Well, look no further! CreatiVets is searching for partners in our holiday fundraising effort so that we can continue to improve the lives of military veterans across the country.

We are asking a few of our key partners to rally their friends, family, and networks to support our work. By becoming a fundraiser for CreatiVets, you will help more veterans, and you'll help your friends feel great about doing good.

Would you help us continue our mission?

Getting started is easier than you think and we'll give you all the tools you'll need to make a difference. With your help, I know we can reach our campaign goal by the end of the year and we can ensure veterans find relief from the effects of anxiety, isolation and depression associated with PTS during the holiday season.

With Giving Tuesday coming up, this is the perfect time to remind people about the important work being done by non-profit organizations across the country. Our fundraiser is a great way to make a lasting impact for the veteran community. Feel free to also add your fundraiser to any social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Let me tell you about some of the features for your unique fundraiser:

  • You can create your own webpage
  • You get to set your own goal
  • You can tell your story and why CreatiVets is important to you
  • The funds you raise are included with our other fundraisers on our way to raising $20,000
  • It is easy to post on all social media platforms
  • You can even send personal emails right from our fundraising platform
  • We will be there to answer any and all questions along the way!


Help Us Find
Recurring Donors
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Your Friend Here!

Giving $50 Per Month

You can help us get more recurring donations by starting a fundraiser!

13 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!

Richard Casper 32 68 A

Richard Casper

Larry Felts 0 100 A

Larry Felts

Brett Gillan 73 27 A

Brett Gillan

Kaley Herman 5 95 A

Kaley Herman



Hannah LaFary 0 100 A

Hannah LaFary

William Parker 10 90 A

William Parker

Gary Smith 30 70 A

Gary Smith

Jesse Taylor 20 80 A

Jesse Taylor

Kyle Yepsen 11 89 A

Kyle Yepsen

You will get these tools to help you run a successful campaign:

Pre-Built Templates

Send emails and social media messages to supporters based on expert-tested templates.

A Smarter Donation Page

Solicit more donations with proven-success templates established from industry best practices.

Automated Notifications & Emails

Keep your campaign on track with various automated features designed to get you closer to your goal.